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The Positive and Negative Impact of Listening Music While Studying

Now a day we find many students tend to listen to music while studying and the find it hard to resist such things. Those who choose to listen music while studying could see that their grades tend to dip as a result. It is the choice of the teens to decide about listening to music and study at the same time. Soothing music can help the students to focus on their studying while other choice of music can distract them from study.  It has been found that music can play both positive and negative effects on studying, depending upon the student and the type of music. Here are some points which will help you to know about the advantages and disadvantages of listening music while studying.

Advantages of listening music while studying

1. Increases multi tasking power of mind

If you listen to music while studying then your multi tasking power is likely to increase. Even though you are not paying much attention to the music while studying still your nervous system is likely to pay a lot of attention to the piece of music. Your brain is still churning away beneath your level of awareness. In this way your mind is engaging in two activities and thus increasing your multi tasking power of mind. Music may increase your energy levels and raise your mood, thereby improving your mental processing abilities.

2. Helps to recall information

Researchers have found that people who listen to music while studying are better at recalling information in environments resembling those in which they learned the information. Therefore if you listen to music while studying then you will have the better chance of recalling information you have seen or have listen at last.

3. Motivates and uplifts mood

In 2005 in "Psychology of Music" it has been found that students who listen to music tend to have higher productivity levels than those who did not listen to music. The researchers speculated that listening music has heightened the mood of the student and thus increases their motivation. Though music may create some degree of interference with other tasks and uses up mental processing resources yet the net effect may sometimes improve concentration and motivation. During long study sessions, music can aid endurance.

4. Helps to beat stress

Music that are soothing and relaxing can help the students to beat stress or anxiety while studying. Music has the power to calm the brain and clear the mind. In this way music can help you to beat the stress and also help you to focus and concentrate more on your study.

5. Improve your intelligence

Researchers have found out that your intelligence is likely to improve if you listen to classical music while studying.  Classical music would help you to relax and make you less distracted as compared to music with lyrics. In this way your intelligence is likely to increase.

6. Choose the right music

Music could be beneficial while studying if you choose the right type of music. Heavy bass tone music can distract you from study while classical or instrumental could be harmonious and also be helpful for you in your study.

Disadvantages of listening to music while studying

  • In spite of such advantages, studies have found out that music is often more distracting while studying and thus degrading your result.
  • It has also been found out that students who listen to music with lyrics while studying tend to be less efficient in their work and come away having grasping less information.
  • You may find difficulty in focussing and reading comprehension if you listen to loud or agitated music. This could also have an adverse effect on your mood.
  • Students who listen to music to memorize their studies often tend to find difficulty in recalling information in the silent environment. 
  • Hearing ability could be damaged if you continuously listen to loud music even for that short time while studying.
  • Listening to music may diminish your cognitive abilities in these situations because when you are trying to memorize things in order. You can get thrown off and get confused by the various words and notes in the song playing in the background.

Hope you are well informed about the advantages and disadvantages of listening music while studying.  However, at last we can conclude that the effects of music while studying are likely to depend upon the student and their style of learning. If you are among those students who are easily distracted then it is very much important to avoid music while studying so that you can keep your focus upon your study. While on the other hand, if you are among the students who are able to function better as multi-taskers then you may found out that music is likely to help you to have better concentration upon your study.