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Effective Ways To Keep Children Away From Gadgets

Gadgets can give children an academic edge and help them to explore their interests through internet access and stay connected with friends and family. However, none of us do not like to see our children wasting their time, putting unnecessary effort and ruining their health over gadgets. But, in this rapid changing hi-tech world, we certainly cannot prevent our children from using them. Well, in order to protect our children here are some effective ways to keep our child away from the gadget.

Do Not Rush To Punish

There are parents, who start to seize those gadgets, scold or criticize them when they realize that their children are overusing the gadgets. They do not try to understand the situation from their children’s perspective. These serious and relentless actions often leave the children feeling unjust, worsening the situation.  Instead of punishing them, parents should instead opt for a calm talk with their children and discuss how their habit is affecting their health, academics and social life. This works wonder as it helps to persuade them with logical reasons.

Fix “No Gadget Areas”

In this era, everyone including the children are so lost with their gadgets that they hardly spend time with family members. They do not even bother to be apart from their gadgets in kitchens and washrooms too. In order to lessen this unnecessary attachment between your children and their gadgets, you can announce “No Gadget Areas” in your home. This will help to increase family conversations and sharing with each other.

Give a Good Example

Children, especially young ones, tend to imitate what their parents or guardians do. If you always use your cellphone then the children become curious. You should set an example and make what you teach. You can take time for your cellphone, laptop, tablet or television every day and find alternative ways to have fun with your children. You should try to use this time to play with your children in your backyard or take them to the park. If your children can see that you can have fun without a gadget then they will also believe that they can too have fun without gadget.

Don't Make the Gadget Accessible

One reason why children spend so much time watching TV or playing video games is because they are available.  You should keep your phone and tablet in a place where your child cannot access and provide restrictions on TV, computer or game console. You can give him 1 hour of TV a day or he can only play video games over the weekend.

Change the Routine

The goal is to make your child understand that his free time is not the same as screen time. You should introduce new fun activities which can turn into hobbies such as painting, playing sports, or reading books. For smaller children, regular play schedules will be very helpful.

Play Interactive Games

If taking out of home is not possible then at home only you can involve your kid in some fun games like ‘simon says’ or ‘role plays’ that would let your children think and react. You can even let them revel on the green grass, under the sky and fresh air.  You should encourage them for outdoor games which would lead to their social and physical development.

Bring Your Child Out Of the House

If it can be easy to play with other children in the park then take your children out of the house. You can even plan a family camping trip. Outside the home is full of interesting things that are good for sensory play and it will encourage your children to learn and explore new things which they are not able to see normally around the house.

Make Interesting Things for Your Child

This may sound amazing, but it is actually quite simple because it does not take much time for children to be happy. If you feel he is bored with an activity which used to be their favorite then it means that it is the time to introduce a new one. It would be also ideal to involve yourself in this activity as much as you can so that your children does not get bored.

Read Books Together

You can even invest in some interesting story books with big and colorful pictures. It will not only help to develop reading habit in the kid but also it will help to build his language skills and cognitive development as well. You should try to make the books your child’s best friend.

Restricted Screen Time

If you are busy with some house or office work and want to seek refuge in the digital medium to engage your toddler then you should allow them to access only for a limited time period.  You should ensure that your child maintains a minimum viewing distance, with his head upright and shoulders straight.

Help Your Children to Select Right Gadgets

Every new type of gadgets which come in market is likely to make children go crazy. And maximum of the parents do not even think twice to get them what they want. Being a parent, it is our duty to differentiate what is good and what is not for our children. You should bear in mind that you would be the one to blame for your children's gadget addiction. So think carefully before you decide to get any gadgets for your children.

It has been observed and considered that kids do not want anything more than to play with you. However, if you play with them then they would choose to play over a gadget any time. Therefore, you should follow these effective ways so that you are able to keep your child off gadgets and in no time they will surely be free from gadget addiction.