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30 June, 2019
Sometimes you might be tempted to see the world through rose-coloured lenses by ignoring over the negative aspects of life. However, positive thinking actually means approaching life's challenges with a positive outlook. It does not necessarily mean avoiding or ignoring the bad things instead it.. more+
30 June, 2019
Gadgets can give children an academic edge and help them to explore their interests through internet access and stay connected with friends and family. However, none of us do not like to see our children wasting their time, putting unnecessary effort and ruining their health over gadgets. But, in this.. more+
27 May, 2019
In this digital age, it is very easy to neglect our memories and many of us can easily "google" the things which we tend to forget. Though it seems unnecessary, but memorization is important for many reasons. It not only disciplines the mind, making it more focused and productive but also helps.. more+
27 May, 2019
Emotions tends to play a vital role in the life of the human beings. Love emotions tend to being two heart closer while anger tends to depart you from your loved ones. Though anger is normal emotion and healthy sometimes. However, it becomes quite unhealthy if it is likely to flare up all the time or.. more+
24 September, 2018
Good impression is needed everywhere whether it is a job interview, first date or first chance meeting. A good impression can mean a huge difference in the way. People might think of you one way or another so it is important to consider the situation you will be meeting them. You should not be afraid to.. more+
4 May, 2018
Stress is often a common feeling in many people's lives. Stress is an awful experience that people do not want to experience, especially if you are at work, at home taking care of your baby or in your bedroom making some projects while preparing for an upcoming major exam.  If not dealt with.. more+
12 December, 2017
It is assumed that drug addiction is an unending disease which can be characterized by uncontrollable and habitual behaviour that is always looking for drug. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the use of such drug has harmful consequences and there are changes in the brain and it.. more+