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Negative Impacts Of Sugar In Our Body

Sugar is a drug that has no nutritional value and is an addictive chemical.  There is hardly anyone who does not like sugar. From early morning till at night we require sugar. Sugar in the tea or coffee, in curd, in milkshakes or juices and sometimes even in cooked food. We do not even keep record how much sugar we consume every day with our food. We do not even think of its negative effects on our body. Let us discuss why too much sugar is bad for our health and listed below are some negative impacts of sugar in our body.

1. Tooth decay:- Since our childhood our mother taught us to brush our teeth after every meal and before we go to sleep. We all very well know this and it has been ingrained into our minds. It is because when sugar is left on our teeth it causes our teeth to decay faster. 

2. Gum disease: - Another thing when sugar sits on our teeth then it can also lead to gum infection. Because of the way our body reacts to different kinds of infection, gum infection can in turn lead to inflammation of the coronary artery. 

3. Unstable blood glucose:- Consumption of too much sugar causes our blood sugars to go high. We may feel fatigue, exhausted, headaches and mood swings if the sugar level in our blood fluctuates. Moreover, consumption of more sugar may lead to more unbalanced of our blood glucose.

4. Obesity, diabetes and heart disease: - Today we all are afraid of obesity. But this obesity occurs due to accumulation and storing of more sugar in our body. Consumption of more sugar in the body is stored as fat and this fat in our body leads to obesity. This obesity in future activates diabetes and that leads to heart attack. 

5. Malfunctioning immune system: - The sugar present in our body help the bacteria and yeast that are in our blood to feed and multiply. Our immune system may not be able to handle it if there is an imbalance in the growth of these bacteria and yeast.

6. Chromium deficiency: - Chromium is one type of chemical which is required in our body to manage the sugar levels in our blood. So consumptions of too much sugar prohibit the body to regulate the sugar level. 

7. Nutrients: - We require important nutrients for our body’s growth. Consuming too much sugar takes away the hunger pangs. That is why it is often advisable for not eating too much sweet before a main meal. If we consume too much sugar we do not feel like eating food. In this way we lack in the important nutrients that is required by our body.

8. Stress: - When we eat too much sugar, we go on a sugar high because of the energy boost we get from the sugar consumption. But this sugar high is only temporary. Our energy level takes a plunge afterwards. When this happens, the body releases hormones to bring the sugar level in our blood back to optimum level, and these hormones include the stress hormones: adrenaline, cortisol and epinephrine. These hormones make us irritable and stressed out. 

9. Aging: - We all are concerned about aging. But we do not know how it occurs? We often run after the question how can we prevent aging? But the answer to this question is very simple. When we eat too much sugar a process called glycation occurs. But what is actually? When we consume too much sugar some of the sugar sticks to the proteins in our body. This causes our body tissues to lose their elasticity. Not only is our skin affected but also our internal organs are affected. The faster the body loses its elasticity, the faster aging occurs. 

10. Cognition: - Consumption of too much sugar also affects our mind's ability to learn and recognize.

11. Effects on bones: - Calcium is an alkaline mineral needed for our bones. Calcium is used to neutralize the acidic effects of sugar. Due to withdrawn of calcium our bones becomes weak and porous. For this reason we need to reduce our sugar consumption.

12. Causes deficiencies: - The digestion of sugar requires many vitamins, minerals and enzymes. For digestion of sugar this minerals are taken from the healthy cells. Over time of taxing in our system causes deficiencies in our body.

13. Effects on pancreas: - Due more consumption of sugar it has effects on our pancreas as well. It results in Diabetes. Diabetes is the problem when our body is unable to use or produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone secreted by our pancreas. It helps to regulate our sugar level in our body. Too high concentrations of sugar in our blood can kill us.

14. Feeds cancer cells: - Too much consumption of sugar actually helps to feed the cancer cells. It is connected with the development of cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum, pancreas, lung, gallbladder and stomach.

15. Autoimmune disease: - When sugar is taken more then it leads to autoimmune disease such as arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis. It also increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease as well.

16. Effects on the rest of the body:- Consumption of too much sugar leads to increases cholesterol, weaken eyesight, causes drowsiness and decreased activity in children. Not only has this it also caused hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.


After going thoroughly with the effects of consuming more sugar we can conclude that consumption of little sugar is not bad but consumption of more sugar is dangerous for our health. So we should consume less sugar as much as possible.