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Cleaning and Maintaining a Sofa Without Professional Help

In market you will be able to find out variety of sofas or sofa sets right from the leather to cotton. You may find it tough to wash those sofas with traditional cleansers and may leave marks or spots in the sofas. If you like to hire skilled cleaners then it would not be a budget friendly idea. So what would be the solutions? Thankfully there are pocket-friendly cleaners and dry cleaning solutions which are easily available in the market and which could help you to clean and maintain your sofa without any professional help. It does not matter whether your sofa is made of leather or fabric. Here are some helpful tips for you to easily clean and maintain your sofa without any professional help. If you follow these tips then you are able to get the look as well as the feel of a brand new sofa.

Take help from the tag 

While purchasing the sofa you must be sure about reading the tag or the care label before you start cleaning your sofa without any professional help. It is important to read the instructions carefully for so that you are able to clean your sofa better. If the seat of your sofa has removable covers then you will be able to take them off for either machine-wash or dry-cleaning. If you have purchased the online sofa set then you must check the website for care instructions.

Vacuum clean the body

The small spaces in your sofa body may become a sleeping place for many objects. The best way to take out all these objects is by vacuuming the body of your sofa. From your long lost ring to the cap of your ketchup bottle, you will be surprised to see weird things resting in there. While cleaning the upholstery you must use the dedicated upholstery attachment that came with your vacuum cleaner. It would be better if you use a brush for gently cleaning of your upholstery.

Eliminate the stains from the seat

You should not worry if you or any member of your family has accidentally spilled something on the seat of your sofa. You need to put a mix of warm water and dish washing liquid on the affected area by using a damp cloth. Then you must rinse the area with a clean damp cloth and let it dry on its own. You should not rub on the stain as it may make harder for you to remove. You can even use a clean moist duster and let it dry on its own. It would be better if you sprinkle some baking soda on the seat of your sofa as it would help to keep the sofa set smelling good.

Fluff the upholstery

You might fluff the pillows of your bedroom. Similarly your sofa set needs to be fluffed from time to time in order to get back in shape and the seating cushion on your sofa also requires the same. You must make sure about fluffing your sofa set regularly so that the shape of your sofa set is well maintained. You need only two minutes to fluffing.

Sofa cleaning leather or fabric

The sofas made of leather require more attention as compared to the fabric sofas. Leather is likely to get damaged if they are exposed to excessive soap or water while the sofas made of fabric shows no such sign if it is exposed to excessive soap or water. If you have leather sofa and you to remove mould or mildew from it then you should spray a mild mix of vinegar and water onto it and then gently wipe it away. You can even use a specialised leather products is important to clean leather sofa covers. In the market you will be able to get special wax based cleansers in order to clean your sofa sets. You must take a spot test for materials before you start the cleaning process for your sofa. 

Essential top tip

While cleaning the sofa, it is important to scan carefully the directions given in the manufacturer's manual or on the care labels.

Good to Know:

You should not expose your sofa towards direct sunlight and ultraviolet rays as it could have bad effect to your new upholstery fabric.

Key Pointers:

  • It is very much essential to vacuum your sofa frequently in order to avoid dirt accumulation.
  • If you want to clean the covers then it cannot be taken off for cleaning. The only way for cleaning your sofa is to use a steam cleaner. You should not demote the manufacturers cleaning guidelines for the material of your sofa.

Cleaning and maintaining a sofa is quite tough without a professional help. Hope, these tips are quite essential and helpful for you in order to clean the sofa. These tips are helpful for all types of sofa starting from the wooden sofa to the L- shaped sofa. If you follow these tips then your sofa set would always look attractive and fresh.