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10 Useful Tips To Save Energy And Bill

You should not get surprised to know the fact that using energy at home costs money. However, there are even some people who receives electricity bills with great shock. Now it is a high time to look at how you can save the most energy and the most money. Saving energy is not only necessary to lower your electricity bills but also important to store the energy for future generation. So, if you want to lower your bills and save energy then here are some important directions to help you to save energy and low down your bill.

1. Using thermostat:

You should set the temperature as high as you can while still being comfortable. If the difference of temperatures are smaller both indoor and outdoor then there are chances of the bill to be low. You must keep the house warmer than usual when you are away and cool when you get home. You must set away and home temperatures easily with the help of a programmable thermostat.

You must always remember that your house will not cool any faster if you set the thermostat to a colder temperature than usual. In fact, this will likely result in unnecessary expense and excessive strain on the cooling system.

2. Make the most out of your windows:

You must prevent heat from getting in through the windows by installing long window coverings, awnings, high-reflective films, draperies, shades, insulated panels, and shutters.

If you are living in an area where the night is cool then you should turn off your air conditioning and keep your windows open while sleeping. When you wake up, you must shut the windows and blinds to keep the cool air in, unless there is still a cool breeze. You can still get some good cool air into the house in the early morning before the sun starts hitting your house or yard.

3. Turn on those ceiling fans:

By using your ceiling fans in combination with air conditioning, you can actually set the thermostat four degrees higher but remember that fans cool people, not rooms. While leaving the room, turn off the ceiling fan. You can turn on your bathroom fan when taking a shower or bath to remove the humidity and heat.

4. Drop the water temperature:

Your water heater uses 18 percent of your home's energy-use. Turn the temperature down to 120 degrees F.

5. Minimize using appliances and artificial lighting:

If you are using the oven on hot days then it will make the house warmer and subsequently it will become more difficult to cool. You must stick to the stove, microwave or grill outside. You should also minimize using a computer or TV, running the dishwasher or using hot devices like hair dryers. It would be a wise decision for you to install efficient lighting that does not release much heat.

6. Seal leaks to keep the hot air out:

In order to save energy and your electricity bill you must seal the cracks to keep warm out from leaking into the house. You can even add weather stripping or caulk to seal leaky windows and doors.

7. Turn off the heaters when not required:

You should try to turn off the heaters when you leave the room or going to bed. In order to lower the bill and save energy you can even use some ducted heating systems that can help you to turn off the heating in the rooms that are unoccupied. You must be sure that all heating or cooling is turned off when you are leaving the house.

8. Insulate your roof:

An insulated ceiling makes a big difference to your energy bills. If you already have insulation installed then you must check that it is properly installed and has the right rating.

9. Run your fridge efficiently:

Your fridge is always on and it is making it one of your most expensive appliances. You must make sure the door seal is tight and free from gaps so cold air cannot escape. An ideal fridge temperature is 4 or 5 degrees and an ideal freezer temperature is minus 15 to minus 18 degrees Celsius. If you have a second fridge or freezer then you must only turn it on when you required it.

10 . Save energy in the kitchen:

Thaw frozen food in your fridge to reduce cooking time. When you are cooking, use the microwave when you can as it uses much less energy than an electric oven. If you use the stove, keep lids on your pots to reduce cooking time. Use the economy cycle on your dishwasher and only run it when it is full.

Ultimately, anything we can do to save energy and conserve natural resources will benefit all of us, both directly in terms of personal cost-savings and indirectly in preserving our world for the future.